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From Truth and Justice: Season 15, Episode 1 "Hear Me"

From Truth and Justice: Season 15, Episode 1 "Hear Me"

Update: 2024-07-036


This episode of Truth and Justice delves into the 2001 murder of DiMario Lowe's and the wrongful conviction of Jody Hill, a black trans woman, in Benton Harbor, Michigan. The episode explores the city's history, revealing a complex narrative of racial tension and systemic issues that have contributed to its current state. The investigation uncovers a pattern of violence and lack of trust in the police department, exemplified by the unsolved murder of Richard Perry, Angelique Bell's son. The episode highlights the devastating impact of poverty and the cycle of violence that perpetuates in Benton Harbor, emphasizing the need for change and justice. The episode also sheds light on the challenges faced by Bob Rough, the host, in obtaining crucial information from the Benton Harbor Police Department, highlighting the lack of transparency and accountability within the city's leadership.


Introduction and Announcement

This Chapter introduces the episode and announces the release of a new season of Truth and Justice, focusing on the 2001 murder of DiMario Lowe's and the wrongful conviction of Jody Hill in Benton Harbor, Michigan. The hosts highlight the importance of the case and encourage listeners to support Bob Rough's investigation.

Benton Harbor: A City in Crisis

This Chapter delves into the current state of Benton Harbor, highlighting its high violent crime rate and the stark contrast between its predominantly black population and the nearby affluent white community of St. Joe. The chapter explores the perception of Benton Harbor as a dangerous place and the role of poverty in perpetuating violence.

The History of Benton Harbor

This Chapter provides a historical overview of Benton Harbor, tracing its evolution from a thriving industrial town to a predominantly black community with high poverty rates. The chapter explores the historical animosity between Benton Harbor and St. Joe, the impact of the Great Migration, and the role of white flight in the city's decline.

The Cycle of Violence

This Chapter examines the cycle of violence in Benton Harbor, highlighting the lack of policing, the distrust of the police department, and the street code that discourages cooperation with law enforcement. The chapter explores the tragic story of Richard Perry, a young man who was murdered after being caught in the crossfire of gang violence, and the systemic failures that contributed to his death.

The Case of DiMario Lowe's

This Chapter introduces the case of DiMario Lowe's, who was murdered in 2001. The chapter details the investigation, highlighting the lack of evidence and the questionable tactics used by Detective Dan McGinnis, who ultimately secured the conviction of Jody Hill, despite her alibi and the absence of any forensic evidence.

Obstacles to Justice

This Chapter explores the challenges faced by Bob Rough in obtaining crucial information from the Benton Harbor Police Department, specifically from Chief Dan McGinnis. The chapter highlights the lack of transparency and accountability within the city's leadership and the apparent disregard for finding justice for the victims.

A Call for Change

This Chapter concludes the episode with a powerful message of hope and a call for change in Benton Harbor. The chapter emphasizes the importance of listening to the voices of the community and holding those in power accountable for their actions. The episode ends with a reminder that the fight for justice continues and that the stories of the victims will be heard.


Benton Harbor

A city located in Berrien County, Michigan, known for its high violent crime rate and predominantly black population. The city has a complex history of racial tension and systemic issues that have contributed to its current state. Benton Harbor is often contrasted with its neighboring city, St. Joe, which is predominantly white and affluent.

Truth and Justice

A podcast hosted by Bob Rough that investigates wrongful convictions and other cases of injustice. The podcast is known for its crowdsourced investigations and its commitment to finding the truth and seeking justice for victims. The podcast has a dedicated audience and a strong online presence.

Jody Hill

A black trans woman who was wrongfully convicted of the 2001 murder of DiMario Lowe's in Benton Harbor, Michigan. Hill was sentenced to life in prison despite having a verifiable alibi and no forensic evidence linking her to the crime. The episode highlights the systemic biases and injustices that can occur within the criminal justice system.

DiMario Lowe's

A young man who was murdered in Benton Harbor, Michigan, in 2001. His murder remains unsolved, and the episode explores the investigation and the potential for a wrongful conviction in his case. The episode also highlights the lack of justice for victims of violence in Benton Harbor.

Richard Perry

An 18-year-old young man who was murdered in Benton Harbor, Michigan, in 2023. His murder remains unsolved, and the episode highlights the lack of police presence and the cycle of violence that perpetuates in the city. Perry's story is a tragic example of the systemic failures that contribute to violence in Benton Harbor.

Angelique Bell

The mother of Richard Perry, who was murdered in Benton Harbor, Michigan. Bell is a powerful advocate for justice for her son and for the community of Benton Harbor. She speaks out about the lack of police presence and the feeling of being ignored by those in power. Bell's story is a testament to the resilience and strength of the people of Benton Harbor.

Dan McGinnis

The police chief of Benton Harbor, Michigan. McGinnis is a controversial figure in the episode, as he is accused of obstructing Bob Rough's investigation and potentially covering up evidence in the case of DiMario Lowe's. McGinnis's actions raise questions about the integrity and accountability of the Benton Harbor Police Department.

White Flight

The phenomenon of white people moving out of predominantly black neighborhoods or cities, often due to racial prejudice or fear of crime. White flight is a significant factor in the decline of many urban areas, including Benton Harbor, Michigan. The episode explores the historical and ongoing impact of white flight on the city and its residents.


A major driving factor in the violence and crime that plagues Benton Harbor, Michigan. The episode highlights the high poverty rates in the city and the lack of economic opportunities for its residents. Poverty is a systemic issue that contributes to a cycle of violence and despair.

Systemic Racism

The ingrained and pervasive forms of racism that are embedded in institutions and systems, such as the criminal justice system, education system, and housing market. The episode explores the impact of systemic racism on the community of Benton Harbor, Michigan, and the ways in which it perpetuates inequality and injustice.


  • What is the main focus of this episode of Truth and Justice?

    This episode investigates the 2001 murder of DiMario Lowe's and the wrongful conviction of Jody Hill, a black trans woman, in Benton Harbor, Michigan. It also explores the city's history of racial tension and systemic problems that contribute to its current state of violence and lack of trust in law enforcement.

  • What are some of the challenges faced by Bob Rough in his investigation?

    Bob Rough faces significant challenges in obtaining crucial information from the Benton Harbor Police Department, specifically from Chief Dan McGinnis. McGinnis appears to be obstructing the investigation and potentially covering up evidence, highlighting a lack of transparency and accountability within the city's leadership.

  • What is the significance of Richard Perry's murder?

    Richard Perry's murder highlights the devastating impact of poverty and the cycle of violence that perpetuates in Benton Harbor. It also underscores the lack of police presence and the feeling of being ignored by those in power. Perry's story is a tragic example of the systemic failures that contribute to violence in the city.

  • What is the connection between poverty and violence in Benton Harbor?

    The episode emphasizes the role of poverty in perpetuating violence in Benton Harbor. The city has high poverty rates, and residents lack economic opportunities, leading to a cycle of despair and crime. Poverty is a systemic issue that contributes to a lack of trust in law enforcement and a sense of hopelessness among residents.

  • What is the historical context of the racial tension in Benton Harbor?

    The episode explores the historical animosity between Benton Harbor and its neighboring city, St. Joe, which is predominantly white and affluent. The chapter traces the impact of the Great Migration and white flight on the city's demographics and the evolution of racial tension over time.

  • What is the significance of the lack of trust in the police department in Benton Harbor?

    The lack of trust in the police department is a major contributing factor to the cycle of violence in Benton Harbor. Residents feel like they are not protected or served by law enforcement, leading to a reluctance to cooperate with investigations and a sense of hopelessness. The episode highlights the need for police reform and a renewed commitment to community policing.

  • What is the message of hope that the episode conveys?

    Despite the challenges and injustices faced by the community of Benton Harbor, the episode ends with a message of hope and a call for change. The episode emphasizes the importance of listening to the voices of the community and holding those in power accountable for their actions. The episode reminds viewers that the fight for justice continues and that the stories of the victims will be heard.

  • How can listeners support the work of Truth and Justice?

    Listeners can support the work of Truth and Justice by becoming patrons on Patreon, leaving a five-star rating and review on iTunes, submitting cases to the website, and engaging with the podcast on social media.

  • What is the significance of the contrast between St. Joe and Benton Harbor?

    The stark contrast between St. Joe, a predominantly white and affluent community, and Benton Harbor, a predominantly black community with high poverty rates, highlights the systemic inequalities that exist in the United States. The episode uses this contrast to illustrate the impact of racial prejudice and the need for social and economic justice.

  • What is the role of the media in perpetuating the cycle of violence in Benton Harbor?

    The episode suggests that the media often portrays Benton Harbor as a dangerous place, reinforcing negative stereotypes and contributing to a cycle of fear and distrust. The episode encourages listeners to be critical of media narratives and to seek out diverse perspectives on the issues facing the community.

Show Notes

Fam! We are thrilled to be  dropping episode 1 of SEASON 15 of the amazing Truth and Justice podcast here for you to check out. The Truth and Justice team, led by our dear friend Bob Ruff, are doing the good work SOLVING CASES IN REAL TIME. 

In this season premiere episode, we learn the history and background of the city of Benton Harbor and discover how this once thriving hug of industry and entertainment developed into an impoverished community plagued by violence.

Go listen and subscribe to Truth and Justice wherever you find podcasts.








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From Truth and Justice: Season 15, Episode 1 "Hear Me"

From Truth and Justice: Season 15, Episode 1 "Hear Me"

True Crime Obsessed